Civil Design Professionals provides a wide variety of final and preliminary design services. Below is a list summarizing our design services. Feel free to contact us for any information regarding a new project or if it is not within our scope we will gladly recommend other top engineering firms to assist you.

Earth Retention Design:
- PMBW – Precast Modular Block Wall
- MSE – Mechanically Stabilized Earth
- SRW – Segmental Retaining Wall
- Reinforced Concrete
- Slope Bags
- Crib Walls
- Reinforced Slopes
- Baskets
- Gabions
- Sheet Piles
- T-Wall
- H-Piles
- Natural Stone
- Boulders
- Timbers
- Cellular Confinement Systems
- Geosynthetics
- Steel Straps
- Soil Nails
- Earth and Rock Anchors
Foundation Design:
- Shallow Foundations
- Deep Foundations

Site Design:
- Grading/ Hydrology
- Utilities (Storm, Sanitary, etc.)
- Alternative Storm water Management (PICP Tanks, etc.)
- Ponding (Permanent Pool, Infiltration)
- Storm water Pollution Prevention Plans
- Wetland Mitigation
- Pavements (Flexible, Rigid, Segmental)
Structural Design:
- Precast Concrete
- Barriers & Free Standing Walls
- Reinforced Concrete
- Wood Structures